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Monday, October 24, 2005

Air Force One at the Reagan Library

I was lucky enough to be one of the first of the general public to step aboard the new Air Force One exhibit at the Reagan Presidential Library. It was an amazing experience. The new pavilion is awe inspiring, as is the museum as a whole. If you're ever in So. Cal, the Reagan Library is a must.

I got a few pictures, but was limited by the ban on flash photography, so most of what I did snap didn't turn out. I guess I should consider myself lucky, because cameras weren't even allowed on the plane (you'll have to see that for yourself).

The obligatory bronze "handshake" statue. Were he to put on that cowboy hat, you'd have the Gene Autry statue at Angel Stadium.

A genuine chunk of the Berlin Wall. The sense of history is stronger here than at any other place in the Library, and that's really saying something.

Your first look at Air Force One.

It's cramped quarters, let me tell you. Of course, it is only a 707, which, if you were to board one today, you would be awfully disappointed.

The center piece of the Air Force One tour is the circa-1988 laptop computers, which could only be considered "portable" with an airplane built around them.

The pavilion also includes a motorcade exhibit and Reagan's Marine One helicopter.

Checkpoint Charlie signals the beginning of the extraordinarily powerful Cold War exhibit.

And, of course, the memorial plaza.


Man, we need a president like this guy once again.

posted by Blogger Unknown @ 6:57 PM
That's awesome! I gotta get out there as soon as possible. Thanks for the pictorial!

posted by Blogger Joe @ 8:46 PM

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