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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Jack Thompson is a dickbag

Everybody's favorite fascist is at it again. Ambulance chaser, video game crusader, and all-around asshat Jack Thompson has challenged the video game industry to design and market a strange, ultra-violent, revenge fantasy of his own creation (digital projection much?). What point he's trying to make, I haven't the faintest clue (I suspect he doesn't either...), but as incentive he's offered to make the rather lame gesture of a $10,000 donation to an unspecified charity.

Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik has sent Mr. Thompson a reply, noting that the Penny Arcade community of gamers alone has raised over half a million dollars for children's hospitals in the past two years. I'm interested in seeing his response, but judging from his previous correspondence with gamers and free speech advocates, I'd say the chances of Mike receiving anything are slim to none, and even if he does, it won't be fit for publication.

UPDATE (2:30 PM): Mike has received the expected response from Mr. Thompson.


You know, I heard just the opposite when I was writing political stuff over at Pearly Gates. Just goes to show that you can't please anybody, ever, so you might as well not even try.

posted by Blogger Richard @ 4:53 PM
I think your stuff is excellent on both blogs (except, of course, when you claim Calista Flockhart is attractive).

posted by Blogger Unknown @ 10:32 PM

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