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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Miers Withdraws

I haven't said much on the subject of the Miers nomination (because I'm no legal analyst or even a court watcher, and I don't play one on this blog), but I can't say I'm unhappy to see her go. Everything I've read about her raised questions, and the White House's assurance that she was blindly partisan enough just wasn't doing it for me. Short of a dazzling performance before the Senate Judicial Committee (with real answers about her judicial philosophy), I was inclined to oppose her nomination.

Not that that means anything to anyone.

UPDATE: As I've already stated at a couple of blogs, Alex Kozinski is my "dream nominee". But the possibility is just that - a dream.


I hope he's not your "dream nominee" for the same reason why Underneath Their Robes likes him...

posted by Blogger Joe @ 10:39 PM

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