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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

See you in December

John Campbell will win the 48th district primary easily, though not with the 50% + 1 required to take the seat. That means we're going to see a runoff come December 6th.
John Campbell (R)   46.0%
Marilyn Brewer (R)  16.7%
Jim Gilchrist (AI)  14.4%
Steve Young (D)      8.9%
John Graham (D)      4.1%
Bea Foster (D)       3.3%
Don Udall (R)        1.6%
John Kelly (R)       1.2%
What a pitiful showing by Marilyn Brewer (that should be the last we hear from her... thank god). I know a lot of people were expecting better from Gilchrist, but this is about as well as I felt he could do. He would have finished a solid second had he run as a Republican, but his AIP tag gets him an easy spot on the general election ballot (not that it matters). Also, it's rather amazing that in Orange County, the sole Libertarian candidate (Bruce Cohen, 0.8%) can't even muster 1% of the vote.

BTW: The runoff participants will be Campbell, Gilchrist, and Young.


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