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Wednesday, January 11, 2006


There were many things I could have blogged about during my hiatus. In fact, I started pounding away on the keyboard a number of times, before having one of those "what the fuck am I doing" moments, and backing away. Only one of those posts got far enough along to wind-up in my "drafts" folder - this quick response to All Things Beautiful's blogosphere-wide challenge:
Am I the only one who thinks any list of "the ten worst Americans" has to include Thomas Jefferson?

He did everything within his power (from slander to blatant treason) to destroy any national unity George Washington had built in those early years of the American experiment. And unlike his Republican partner-in-crime during that time, James Madison, Jefferson contributed precious little to the future of his nation other than whatever simple coincidence would deliver to him. Not to mention that his vision of America as a Virginiaesqe plantation society included the kind of institutionalized racism history and many of his contemporaries are known to have abhorred, and his own words ("all men are created equal") rendered hypocritical. We can only be thankful that Jefferson proved as improvident as any politician in American history.
I'm a Hamilton man, myself... in case you couldn't tell.


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