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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Silence speaks volumes

Here's Ann Althouse on Justice Alito unwittingly seizing the media spotlight from the SOTU:
Isn't it fascinating that the lengthy, amplified, magnified speech of the most powerful man in the world with his big captive audience — in the magnificent room and in smaller rooms all over the country — are outweighed by one man's headshake and silent mouthing of 2 or 3 words?

And isn't it ironic that, right when we saw the judge's minimalist expression that overwhelmed the President's torrent of words, Obama was railing about the "powerful interests" that would use their great wealth to speak far too much during election campaigns?
This is just another example of Obama's greatest weakness: his inability to be "presidential." Calling out the hunched and frail Ruth Bader Ginsburg for a public jeering (as it appeared televised) is no way to lift yourself above the partisan fray.


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