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Thursday, October 06, 2005Gov's agenda looking goodFor the first time, polling data suggests that all of Gov. Schwarzenegger's "reform agenda" slate of propositions look set to pass - and quite easily. This is a big shift from all previous polling, which suggested everything other than Prop. 75 (paycheck protection) going down to inglorious defeat.
Are these numbers outliers, or are they connected to the long-awaited flood of pro-Schwarzenegger advertising after months of bashing at the hands of labor unions? The new pro-Schwarzenegger TV spot is particularly well made, I feel (with the woman looking straight into the camera and making the indisputable statement "Let's face it - Sacramento is screwed up!") but I doubt it could account for these massive shifts in public opinion. More likely one - or both - of these polls are bad samples. The small number of undecideds a full month before the election in the SurveyUSA poll gives me pause.OCT. 4 SEP. 29 YES NO UND YES NO UND Prop. 74 55% 44% 2% 43% 47% 10% Prop. 75 60% 37% 3% n/a n/a n/a Prop. 76 58% 36% 6% 26% 63% 11% Prop. 77 59% 36% 5% 33% 50% 17% *note that these were two different polls, by different firms. Comments:
I would love to work in politics, but truth be told, I really haven't given it much consideration. I've still got a couple years to get my act together (which I am dreading, BTW).
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