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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Jack Thompson: Charity is criminal offense

Jack Thompson has called for the arrest of Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik (the minds behind the webcomic Penny Arcade) after the two dared to make a $10,000 charitable donation in his name:
"As you may know, this incredibly violent Rockstar Games product is actually a 'cop-killing' murder simulator. There are a bunch of computer geeks out there who think that the video game industry has a constitutional right to paint a bullseye on your back and on your officers' backs... That is what this criminal harassment of me by Penny Arcade is all about. They're even selling an 'I Hate Jack Thompson' t-shirt, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. These idiots have been so careless as to post on their web site what they are doing regarding the harassment of me."

"I look forward to working with your fine Police Department to shut this little extortion factory down and/or arrest some of its employees."
"Idiots?" I'd say posting this entire thread was a fucking masterstroke. Go over there and read through the archives for the past few days. Who comes out at the victim? Who's the subject of harassment?

I'm sure there will be some sort of defense fund set up for Mike and Jerry. I'll post that info here when it happens.


Picking a fight with penny-arcade, that does such much outstanding charity work outside the video game community, was the wrong move for Jack. I think this could end him. (Good riddance)

posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 9:01 PM

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