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Monday, October 17, 2005

Jack Thompson doesn't care about black people

The continuing saga of everybody's favorite fascist... er... continues.

As you knew they would, somebody in the gamer community took Jack up on his offer in order to collect on the $10,000 charitable donation. Mr. Thompson responded as he always does: with a series of distortions, legal threats, and ad hominem attacks. Oh, and he's not going to follow through on the donation, either. It was just a clever "satire":
I'm not interested and won't be commenting on the mod. The satirical piece entitled 'A Modest Video Game Proposal' was intended to highlight the patent hypocrisy and recklessness exhibited by the video game industry's willingness to target cops, women, homosexuals, and other groups with some of their violent games. To be fair, though, you can't expect a bunch of gamers to understand the satire if they think that Jonathon Swift, the author of 'A Modest Proposal,' is the name of a new Nike running shoe...

...I will say this though, the 'video game community' (what's next, 'the necromancy community'?) surely seems exercised about someone who is a 'joke' and who is accomplishing nothing. You all seem rather bothered and worried about a nonentity. God is in this battle, and I am privileged to be a foot soldier. You all should be concerned, not about me, but about Him.
Yeah, because God just loves people who welch on their promises and withhold assistance to the needy. And I know this for a fact, because the man himself told me so over a game of Pong back in the 80's. All that charity and "love thy neighbor" shit? He seriously has no clue who started that. (Of course, that didn't stop him from availing himself of my generosity by cleaning out my fridge. That dude can put away the Mountain Dew, let me tell you.)

Anyway, in steps Penny Arcade once again, making that $10,000 donation - in Jack Thompson's name, no less - to the The Entertainment Software Association Foundation. Those guys rock, so hard.


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